Soo-Whan Chung
- Doctor of Philosophy in Dept. of EE, Yonsei University [2016.03 - 2021.02]
- Advisor: Prof. Hong-Goo Kang
- Bachelor’s Degree in Dept. of EE, Yonsei University [2012.03 - 2016.02]
- NAVER Cloud Corp. Research Scientist [2023.01 - Present]
- NAVER Corp. Research Scientist [2020.11 - 2022.12]
- NVIDIA Corp. Deep Learning Institute Certified Instructor [2018.10 -]
- NAVER Corp. Research Internship Program [2018.07 - 2018.12]
Research Interests
- Speech Signal Processing
- Speech enhancement
- Speech separation
- Speaker extraction
- Speech recognition
- Keyword spotting
- Speaker recognition
- Speech representation
- Multi-modal Learning
- Audio-video correspondence
- Audio-image association
- Audio-text linguistic representation
- Yoohwan Kwon, Soo-Whan Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "A Study on Speech Disentanglement Framework based on Adversarial Learning for Speaker Recognition ," The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, vol.39, no.5, pp.447-453, September, 2020.
- Soo-Whan Chung, Joon Son Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "Perfect Match: Self-Supervised Embeddings for Cross-Modal Retrieval ," Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol.14, no.3, pp., March, 2020.
- JeeSok Lee, Soo-Whan Chung, Min-Seok Choi, Hong-Goo Kang, "Generic Uniform Search Grid Generation Algorithm for Far-field Source Localization ," The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol.143, no.1, pp.EL37-EL42, January, 2018.
- Doyeon Kim, Soo-Whan Chung, Hyewon Han, Youna Ji, Hong-Goo Kang, "HD-DEMUCS: General Speech Restoration with Heterogeneous Decoders ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2023.
- Woo-Jin Chung, Doyeon Kim, Soo-Whan Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "MF-PAM: Accurate Pitch Estimation through Periodicity Analysis and Multi-level Feature Fusion ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2023.
- Jiyoung Lee, Joon Son Chung, Soo-Whan Chung, "Imaginary Voice: Face-styled Diffusion Model for Text-to-Speech ," in Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
- Yoohwan Kwon, Soo-Whan Chung, "MoLE : Mixture of Language Experts for Multi-Lingual Automatic Speech Recognition ," in Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
- Jaeuk Byun, Youna Ji, Soo-Whan Chung, Soyeon Choe, Min-Seok Choe, "An Empirical Study on Speech Restoration Guided by Self-supervised Speech Representation ," in Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
- Robin Scheibler, Youna Ji, Soo-Whan Chung, Jaeuk Byun, Soyeon Choe, Min-Seok Choe, "Diffusion-based Generative Speech Source Separation ," in Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023.
- Hyeon-Kyeong Shin, Hyewon Han, Doyeon Kim, Soo-Whan Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "Learning Audio-Text Agreement for Open-vocabulary Keyword Spotting ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2022. (Best Paper Finalist )
- Jee-weon Jung, Hemlata Tak, Hye-jin Shim, Hee-Soo Heo, Bong-Jin Lee, Soo-Whan Chung, Ha-Jin Yu, Nicholas Evans, Tomi Kinnunen, "SASV 2022: The First Spoofing-Aware Speaker Verification Challenge ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2022.
- Hye-jin Shim, Hemlata Tak, Xuechen Liu, Hee-Soo Heo, Jee-weon Jung, Joon Son Chung, Soo-Whan Chung, Ha-Jin Yu, Bong-Jin Lee, Massimiliano Todisco, Héctor Delgado, Kong Aik Lee, Md Sahidullah, Tomi Kinnunen and Nicholas Evans, "Baseline Systems for the First Spoofing-Aware Speaker Verification Challenge: Score and Embedding Fusion ," in Proc. of Odyssey, 2022.
- Doyeon Kim, Hyewon Han, Hyeon-Kyeong Shin, Soo-Whan Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "Phase Continuity: Learning Derivatives of Phase Spectrum for Speech Enhancement ," in Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022.
- You Jin Kim, Hee-Soo Heo, Soyeon Choe, Soo-Whan Chung, Yoohwan Kwon, Bong-Jin Lee, Youngki Kwon, Joon Son Chung, "Look Who’s Talking: Active Speaker Detection in the Wild ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2021.
- Jiyoung Lee, Soo-Whan Chung, Sunok Kim, Hong-Goo Kang, Kwanghoon Sohn, "Looking Into Your Speech: Learning Cross-Modal Affinity for Audio-Visual Speech Separation ," in Proc. of IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021.
- You Jin Kim, Hee Soo Heo, Soo-Whan Chung, Bong-Jin Lee, "End-To-End Lip Synchronisation Based on Pattern Classification ," in Proc. of IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 2021.
- Hyewon Han, Soo-Whan Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "MIRNet: Learning Multiple Identities Representations in Overlapped Speech ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2020.
- Yoohwan Kwon, Soo-Whan Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "Intra-Class Variation Reduction of Speaker Representation in Disentanglement Framework ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2020.
- Soo-Whan Chung, Soyeon Choe, Joon Son Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "FaceFilter: Audio-Visual Speech Separation using Still Images ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2020. (Best Paper Award )
- Soo-Whan Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, Joon Son Chung, "Seeing Voices and Hearing Voices: Learning Discriminative Embeddings Using Cross-Modal Self-Supervision ," in Proc. of INTERSPEECH, 2020.
- Yang Yuan, Soo-Whan Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "Gradient-based Active Learning Query Strategy for End-to-end Speech Recognition ," in Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.
- Soo-Whan Chung, Joon Son Chung, Hong-Goo Kang, "Perfect Match: Improved Cross-modal Embeddings for Audio-visual Synchronisation ," in Proc. of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.
- JeeSok Lee, Soo-Whan Chung, Min-Seok Choi, Hong-Goo Kang, "A Study on Search Grid Points for Data-Driven 3-D Beamsteering ," in Proc. of 2017 Hands-free Speech Communications and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA), 2017.
Clova Speech, Naver Corporation, South KoreaNAVER 1784, 95, Jeongjail-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea (13561)